tague family practice

allergy testing

Allergy Testing in St. Louis, MO

allergy testing

Allergy testing is a procedure that helps determine what substances or allergens may trigger an allergic reaction in an individual. This is important because allergies can range from being mild to severe, and identifying the specific allergen can help prevent future reactions.

Allergy testing types

There are two main types of allergy tests: skin tests and blood tests. Skin tests involve pricking or scratching the skin with different allergens and monitoring for a reaction. This type of testing is usually done on the back or forearm.

Blood tests, on the other hand, involve drawing blood and then analyzing it for specific antibodies that may indicate an allergy. This method is often used when skin tests are not feasible or if the individual has a skin condition that may interfere with the results.

What we test for

Common allergies that are tested for include:

  1. Food allergies (nuts, dairy, shellfish)
  2. Environmental allergies (pollen, dust mites, animal dander)
  3. Medication allergies
  4. Allergies to specific substances or chemicals
  5. Any other potential allergens that may trigger a reaction in an individual  such as latex or insect stings.

Allergy testing is important because identifying the specific allergen can help individuals avoid triggers and manage their symptoms. It can also provide valuable information for healthcare providers to create a treatment plan, such as prescribing allergy medications or recommending immunotherapy.

It is important to note that allergies can develop at any point in life, even if an individual has never experienced them before. Therefore, it is essential to get tested if you suspect you may have allergies or if you experience symptoms such as sneezing, itching, or difficulty breathing after being exposed to certain substances. At Tague Family Practice, we offer comprehensive allergy testing services to help our patients identify and manage their allergies.

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